Top Ten Things I wish I had in no particular order:
1. Route 44 Sweet Tea from Sonic
2. Alabama football
3. Dr. Pepper (no really, if offered a wife or a dr. pepper right now, I might end up single for the rest of my life)
4. American television
5. Blue skies
6. Mt. Dew
7. Car (but definitely not on these streets!!)
8. A really soft mattress
9. Ice
10. More clothes
Top Ten Things I'm glad I do have:
1. Skittles
2. Coke
3. David's drinks (this absolutely great drink shop with awesome lemonade icees)
4. Adam's DVD store
5. Internet
6. ESPN Gamecast
7. A/C and heat (definitely don't need the heat yet)
8. Cell phone
9. McDonald's (you can count KFC and Pizza Hut)
10. WAL-MART!!!!!!! But, might I add that one should NEVER, no really, NEVER go to Wal-Mart on a Saturday afternoon. It is to be avoided like the black plague. You may think it's a good idea to go when it's pouring rain because surely "not many people will be out," but it indeed that is FALSE information. I'm just saying...
On my top ten list is reading Pierre's Persective. My girl is having her challenges - some not covered by what to do when . . . She did get to read Pierre on Sat. and was able to laugh. Thanks. She needed that. A miracle happened for her today. Details later. I'm asking that you get a Dr. Pepper, and at the right time, a wife, too! Mrs. B <><
oh my goodness..
now that i have picked myself up off the floor to stop laughing!
you are too funny. i'm glad there are bright (seemingly dark and disgusting) moments in your days to make you smile.
ill go ahead and start packing some DP. the rest of the world doesn't know just how great it is!
love love.
Hahahaha... That's hilarious. I miss you Nathan.
Thanks again for the laughs.
We'll have to get you some Dr. Peppers my dear friend. I know they are good, but better than a wife???? I think the pollution in the air might have gone to the brain.
Have fun & stay away from Walmart on ALL days!!! They are crazy & my papa is fully convinced they are going to take over the world. ;0)
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