Friday, January 30, 2009

Lunar New Year Part 2: Pre-New Year Warnings

Heading into Lunar New Year/Spring Festival, I was quite unaware of what to expect. My tutor asked me if I would be staying in my city New Year's eve into New Year's day. When I told him yes, he responded, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" complete with hand motions. I believe my response was rolling my eyes and not knowing what to believe. His response proved more true than I ever imagined! 

My next post will give my somewhat (but not really) unbiased account of New Years and how I celebrated (???). 

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lunar New Year Part 1

Note to self: Stay away from Asia during Lunar New Year. 

There are not enough words in the English language to describe the fireworks here in Asia at midnight on Lunar New Year. It's 12:42. There has been no more that 2 sec of silence in the last hour. I'm almost certain I've been near death numerous times. I will write more later when I'm back to loving life...

Monday, January 19, 2009

I Deserve a Cookie

That's right my wonderful blog readers. I had a completely successful, not even a minor glitch, experience with the squatty potty today. I don't even care that this post makes me 3...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Celebrations in the Middle Kingdom

Well, ladies and gents, Spring Festival/New Year is just 1 week away and my local friends are already gearing up for it. Asia has never been more Asia, at least while I've been here! For your reading pleasure I have decided to post the top 10 signs you know Spring Festival is headed your way.

1. Roadside stands have popped up every 30.7 feet selling the most beautiful decorations one could imagine. By beautiful, I do mean tacky and almost unbearable! 

2. There are people everywhere. I know what you're thinking, "With 1.3 billion people, aren't there always people everywhere?" While that statement is indeed true, I promise you there are more people than I've ever seen. No school and some have started having less work. It's nuts.

3. Drinking games...people here love vodka and what's better than a drinking game with your vodka. There are always some drunks somewhere drinking, but, oh wow, I've REALLY started to notice it. 

4. Pizza Hut is packed! Some friends and I went to the Hut this past Friday night and by the time we left it was jam packed (it hardly ever is)! People love to eat during this time of the year, and many people spend more money. P.S. you all should know that salad bar trips are 1 time only here, thus getting salad is really a work of art. I will attempt to explain in a later post!

5. Red lanterns...they are everywhere!

6. Bus stations, train stations, and airports are jammed packed as everyone is starting to travel home for the festival

7. TONS of candy...all the aisles in my grocery store are devoted to candy it seems. Apparently this sugary goodness is quite necessary for the festival.

8. Bulls...everywhere. The new year is the year of the bull. You can get any size or type of bull you would want. Last week a friend and I were on the bus and saw a man on a bicycle cart hauling a bull the famous one wherever it is (New York?). It was huge, really, probably bigger than a car and he was definitely hauling it on a bicycle cart. 

9. Sales and bargains at every store. People here love a good bargain. 

10. FIREWORKS! So, leave it to the place that invented the suckers to use them more than anyone else. They ward off demons, scare the mess out of foreigns, and provide hours of joyous melody for the ears. Although it's still a week away, most people are attempting to do a test run of their fireworks display to take place on New Year's Eve. When my tutor asked if I would be here for New Years and I told him yes, his response was something like, "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!!!!!" My response was something like rolling my eyes and wondering if Tylenol PM exists here!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Strange Noises

So, I'm horrible at the blog thing. In an effort to attempt to get back to blogging somewhat regularly I will let you in on the sounds I'm hearing as I sit here in my apartment.

1. Someone is banging the mess out of a wall, dead animal, or something using a very large beating device.
2. Asian Opera...think about the worst sound in the world and then go 2 steps further.
3. Traffic completely with bus brakes (WD40? HA!!) and horns. Man they love horns here!!
4. Construction 24/7 out the back. 

I can get used to the banging and the traffic. Personally though, I would really like to strangle the opera, but it would appear that that is currently happening!!