Sunday, December 7, 2008

Getting up Before Daylight...

So, for the second week in a row I have gotten up before daylight to watch Alabama play football. Last week proved to be an EXCELLENT weekend to wake up at 4:30AM to watch the Tide STOMP on the Auburn Tigers. This week, well, it was great game, but it was still heartbreaking. From the sound of it, I'm the only Alabama fan I know that is mad, but let's not forget I did get up at 5:00AM for the game. 

To all my facebook friends, I apologize for the series of emotional "status updates." It's simply my way of communicating with someone besides myself my current emotions throughout the game.

I am so happy for Alabama's INCREDIBLE season. I look forward to what is hopefully many years of EXCELLENCE. Good luck to the Florida Gators in the BCS bowl. I mean afterall, if BAMA had gone and then a playoff system ever DID get put into affect, they'd just say we didn't actually have a national championship, but that the polls were different back then. We may not have gotten #13 this year, but we still have 12 hanging on the wall!!


Charity said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I guess after this game, you deserve to go take a nap today!!!! I am still in shock & can't believe Florida won. Where's the justice in this world? I try to be a good sport & support all SEC (when TN's having a bad year :0) but I have my limits & the swamp is mine!!!!!
Next week we may get some news that will put us coming for a visit hopefully quicker. We think they may be looking at our paperwork. Keep your fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

I liked your facebook status stuff...